Hello, I am

Ahmed Elshikh, famous for Volt

Hello, I am Ahmed Abd Elmoneim El-Sheikh famous

for Volt, Egyptian nationality. I am 19 years old.  I

work as a front-end developer.   I have experience

in designing pages and websites  in   html - css -

javaScript - bootstrap - React Js. I can  do  some

tasks  with  high  accuracy, such  as programming

websites  companies brands and personal websites

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Ahmed elshikh

Frontend Developer



It is a coding language used to create and design web pages and websites. This language is considered one of the oldest and most widely used languages ​​in web page design. HTML is the structure of a web page and gives the Internet browser a description of how it should display its contents. It can be helped by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages ​​such as JavaScript. Web browsers receive and display HTML ...


It is a formatting language for web pages concerned with the shape and design of websites. It was specially designed to coordinate (colors - fonts - buttons....) about the content of a document written in HTML. This applies to colors, fonts, images and backgrounds that are used in pages, with complete flexibility and ease. This technology is concerned with the overall appearance of web pages, including colors, images, and so on.


It is a high-level programming language that is mainly used in web browsers to create more interactive pages. The JavaScript language was intended for amateur and non-professional programmers, but it increased interest in it and attracted the attention of professional programmers after adding new technologies such as the spread of AJAX technology that led to a faster interaction between the server and the client.

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Bandi design

Bandi design is an easy, simple and responsive design that works on all screens. I implemented this design in the Bootstrap library to apply to the Bootstrap course


Html - Css - Bootstrap

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Special Desing

A special design. I implemented this design with the Bootstrap library only. The design is easy, simple, and responsive to all screens


Html - Bootstrap

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I implemented the calculator for training in JavaScript. The calculator supports basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


Html - css - JavaScript

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To Do List

List of tasks This project was implemented to apply to JavaScript The idea of ​​the project is to save the tasks and silences that must be implemented in the list


Html - css - JavaScript

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Product management system

Product management system This project was implemented to apply on JavaScript, where this system helps users to find the necessary data for products


Html - css - JavaScript

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Special Desing

A special design that allows the user to modify some of the site's properties such as color, background, etc. I have implemented this design for the application on JavaScript


Html - css - JavaScript

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The percentage of experience in each skill

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0 %

React Js

0 %


About Volt

Hello, I am Ahmed Abd Elmoneim El-Sheikh, famous for Volt, Egyptian nationality. I am 19 years old. I work as a front-end developer. I have experience in designing pages and websites in html - css - javaScript - bootstrap - React Js. I can do some tasks with high accuracy, such as programming websites for companies brands and personal websites

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