

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language used to create and design web pages and websites. This language is one of the oldest and most widely used languages in web page design. HTML is the structure of a web page and gives the Internet browser a description of how it should display its contents. It can be helped by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript. Web browsers receive and display HTML documents from a web server or file system. The function of HTML is to describe the structure of pages. web structure. Elements in HTML are the basic building blocks for building HTML documents, through which we can add images and interactive objects such as forms or video and audio files; You can also create structured documents by using tags to declare paragraphs, headings, links, citations, tables, and more. HTML can include programs written in languages such as JavaScript to modify the behavior and content of web pages. Adding CSS code leads to defining the look and layout of the content. its history assets In 1980, physicist Tim Berners-Lee of CERN proposed and developed a prototype system for CERN researchers to use and share documents. In 1989 he wrote a memorandum proposing a hypertext system based on the Internet, described the HTML language and wrote the server and browser programs in the late 1990's. The first public description of HTML was a document called HTML Tags first mentioned on the Internet by Berners-Lee in late 1991. It describes 18 of the first elements that make up the relatively simple design in HTML except The hyperlink tag, this is strongly influenced by SGML-COD, was founded by SGML in the form of documents at CERN. Eleven of these elements still exist in HTML. Hypertext Markup Language is the markup language that web browsers use to interpret and compose text, images, and other material in visual or audio web pages. The default properties for each HTML element are defined and coded in the browser, and these properties can be changed or improved by using an additional ASS web page designer. Several text elements are found in the 1988 (ISO) Technical Report (TR9537) Techniques for Using SGML which in turn covers features of early text formatting languages such as those used by the runoff command developed in Early 1960s for the CTSS (Compatible Time Sharing System) operating system: These formatting commands were derived from commands used by assembly workers to manually format documents. However, SGML's concept of generalized tags is based on elements (scopes nested with annotated attributes) rather than just typography effects, while also separating structure and tags, and HTML has been gradually moved in this direction with CSS. Berners-Lee considers the HTML implementation of SGML to be formally defined as such by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) with the mid-1993 publication of the first proposal for an HTML specification: "Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)" Internet project by Berners-Lee and Dan Connolly, whose document included an SGML type definition for a grammar definition. HTML5.png Release schedule HTML2 HTML 2.0 is published as RFC [rfc:1866 1866]. Additional RFCs added capabilities: November 25, 1995: RFC 1867 (Model Based File Upload) May 1996: RFC 1942 (Tables) Aug 1996: RFC 1980 (Client-Side Image Maps) January 1997: RFC 2070 (Internationalization) HTML3 HTML 3.2 is published by the World Wide Web Consortium. It was the first version developed and standardized exclusively by the World Wide Web Consortium, as the IETF shut down the HTML Working Group on September 12, 1996. Initially named "Wilbur", HTML 3.2 dropped math formulas entirely, in favor of overlapping between different proprietary extensions and adopted most of Netscape's visual markup. The element to flash Netscape and Microsoft has been removed due to a mutual agreement between the two companies. Tags for mathematical formulas similar to those in HTML were not specified until 14 months ago in MathML. HTML4 HTML 4.0 is published as a recommendation of the World Wide Web Association. It provides three forms: Strict, where discarded items are prohibited Transitional, where deprecated elements are allowed Frameset, in which mostly only frame-related elements are allowed. Initially dubbed "Cougar", HTML 4.0 adopted many of the browser's own element types and attributes, but at the same time sought to phase out Netscape's visual markup features by marking them as obsolete in favor of style sheets. HTML 4 is an implementation of SGML that complies with ISO 8879 - SGML. April 24, 1998 HTML 4.0 has been re-released with minor modifications without increasing the version number. December 24, 1999 HTML 4.01 has been published as a W3C Recommendation. It provides the same three formats as HTML 4.0 and its last bug was posted on May 12, 2001. May 2000 ISO/IEC 15445:2000 ("ISO HTML", based on HTML 4.01 Strict) is published as the international ISO/IEC standard. In ISO, this standard falls within the scope of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34 (Joint Technical Committee 1 ISO/IEC Subcommittee 34 - Document Description and Language Processing). After HTML 4.01, there was no new version of HTML for many years because XML-based parallel XHTML development occupied the HTML Working Group at W3C during the early and mid-2000s. HTML5 October 28, 2014 HTML5 has been published as a W3C Recommendation. November 1, 2016 HTML 5.1 has been published as a W3C Recommendation. December 14, 2017 HTML 5.2 has been published as a W3C Recommendation.


CSS - short for - (Cascading Style Sheet) is a descriptive language that gives the website its beautiful look and unique design that will distinguish it from other websites. The CSS language is friendly to the HTML language, as it always accompanies it and beside it in designing and creating web pages. Each of these two languages forms the basis for every website, HTML is the basis for all elements of a web page, while CSS is the basis for the design and appearance of the site, without it websites would remain plain text on white backgrounds, you must learn CSS if you want to be a specialized interface developer, and you should definitely learn HTML to build any outstanding website. Before CSS was started in 1996 by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), web pages were very simple in form and function. Old browsers used to display web pages as pages consisting of black texts with a white background only (text - images - links ... etc.) without any significant design. There was no plan for when the CSS language would be released. CSS allowed designing and shaping web pages in multiple and different ways to be able to accommodate the extent of a person's creativity, such as the ability to: define lines, margins, and spaces for site elements. Determine the color and size of the elements. Apply colors to backgrounds. Move the elements freely and get many movements in the site. And many other advantages. Microsoft Internet Explorer 3 was the first browser to display and use CSS in 1998. Today, support for some CSS properties varies from browser to browser. The W3C - which still oversees and defines Web standards - has released a new standard or version of CSS, CSS3. With the release of CSS3, developers hope that all major browsers will read and display every CSS property in the same way. How does CSS work? To understand the basics of how CSS works, you must first understand a little bit about the HTML language. Where the elements of web pages are units in square shapes, each of which contains many elements, and its size and shape are customized by the CSS language. For example, the page header is a square, and it contains many other smaller units that house all the elements that make up the page header, such as the logo, navbar, social media icons, and so on. using CSS,


What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a programming language that developers use to build interactive web pages. From updating social media feeds to displaying animations and interactive maps, JavaScript functionality can improve a website's user experience. Because it is a client-side scripting language, it is one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web. For example, when you're browsing the Internet, you see a carousel of images, a click-to-view drop-down list, or a dynamic change in the colors of elements on a web page, all of these are the effects of JavaScript. What is JavaScript used for? In the past, web pages were static, like the pages of a book. The static page displayed information in a fixed layout, and it didn't do everything we now expect from a modern website. JavaScript emerged as a browser-side technology to make web applications more dynamic. With JavaScript, browsers can respond to user interaction and change the layout of content on a web page. As the language evolved, JavaScript developers created libraries, frameworks, and programming practices and began using them outside of web browsers. Today, JavaScript can be used for both client-side and server-side development. In the following subsections, we'll go over some of the common use cases: In the past, web pages were static, like the pages of a book. The static page displayed information in a fixed layout, and it didn't do everything we now expect from a modern website. JavaScript emerged as a browser-side technology to make web applications more dynamic. With JavaScript, browsers can respond to user interaction and change the layout of content on a web page. As the language evolved, JavaScript developers created libraries, frameworks, and programming practices and began using them outside of web browsers. Today, JavaScript can be used for both client-side and server-side development. In the following subsections, we'll go over some of the common use cases: How does JavaScript work? All programming languages work by translating English-like syntax into machine code, which the operating system then runs. JavaScript is broadly classified as a scripting language or an interpreted language. JavaScript code is interpreted, meaning that it is translated directly into basic machine language code by the JavaScript engine. With other programming languages, the compiler converts the entire code into machine code in a separate step. Hence, all scripting languages are programming languages, but not all programming languages are scripting languages. JavaScript engine A JavaScript engine is a computer program that runs JavaScript code. Although the first JavaScript engines were interpreters (compilers), all modern engines use just-in-time or run-time compilation to improve performance. Client-side JavaScript Client-side JavaScript refers to the way JavaScript works in your browser. In this case, the JavaScript engine is inside the browser code. All major web browsers come with JavaScript engines built in. Web application developers write JavaScript code with different functions associated with different events, such as a mouse click or mouseover. These functions make changes to HTML and CSS pages. Here is an overview of how JavaScript works on the client side: 1. The browser loads a webpage when you visit that page. 2. During loading, the browser converts the page and all its elements, such as buttons, labels, and drop-down boxes, into a data structure called the Document Object Model (DOM). 3. The browser's JavaScript engine converts the JavaScript code into bytecode. This code becomes an intermediary between the JavaScript syntax and the device. 4. Various events, such as a mouse click on a button, trigger the associated block of JavaScript code. Next, the engine compiles the bytecode and makes changes to the DOM model. 5. The browser displays the new DOM. Server-side JavaScript Server-side JavaScript refers to the use of a language for writing code in the server area of the backend. In this case, the JavaScript engine is placed directly on the server. The server-side JavaScript function can also access the database, perform various logical operations, and respond to various events issued by the server operating system. The main advantage of server-side scripting is that you can completely customize the website's response based on your requirements, your access rights, and information requests from the website.

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